Cumberland information, advice and support service
Identifying Special Educational Needs
At Broughton Moor, systems are in place to ensure early identification and tracking of progress for all students. Through these systems, we identify where pupils have needs in terms of communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; sensory and/or physical needs.
Children are identified and / or assessed as having SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) through a variety of ways, usually a combination, which may include some of the following:
Liaison with previous school or pre-school setting
Child performing below ‘age expected’ levels or equivalent (e.g. percentile rankings)
Concerns raised by a parent
Concerns raised by a teacher: for example, if behaviour or self-esteem is affecting performance
Liaison with external agencies e.g. for a physical/ sensory issue, speech and language
”Early Help”assessment.
Children with a Statement / EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) already have many of their needs clearly identified. Their placement at our school is a decision that is made by the Local Education Authority.
Role of Parents
If parents have concerns relating to their child’s learning or inclusion they are encouraged to discuss these in the first instance with the child’s teacher.
Parental views and support are actively sought in helping a child with special educational needs and disabilities. The SMART targets expressed in the Individual Learning Plans are shared with parents and child and are reviewed at agreed intervals. Parental consent is necessary before external support can be called. Where appropriate, pupils and their families will be made aware of Cumbria County Council’s Local Offer (see below).
Role of all Staff–How will the School Support a Child with SEND?
Early identification regarding learning difficulties and appropriate intervention is established practice at Broughton Moor and may take place at any point in the child’s school career. The class teacher will share any concerns with the parents at the earliest opportunity and will enlist their help to agree an appropriate programme of intervention and support. Additional support may be given within the class setting, or by attending a programme of support according to the child’s needs. An Individual Learning Plan may be composed which will employ a ‘small-steps’ approach. By breaking down the existing levels of attainment into finely graded steps and targets, we ensure that children experience some success. All children on the special needs register have an Individual Learning Plan.
Staff will assess and monitor the children’s progress in line with existing school practices and their progress with EHCP targets is reported to parents at agreed intervals.
The school uses the graduated approach below to respond to children’s special educational needs:
Assessment and analysis: This includes: teacher assessment and experience of the pupil; information from the school’s core approach to pupil progress, attainment and behaviour; comparison to peers and national data;views of parents / carers and pupils themselves.
Plan: Agreement on adjustments, interventions and support; expected impact on progress, development and behaviour; all staff who work with the pupil are made aware of the plan and the expected outcomes; parents are aware of planned support and where appropriate are expected to reinforce and contribute to progress at home. A date for review is set. The plan is recorded on the school’s information system.
Do: Links between support and interventions and classroom teaching are clear. The class teacher has overall responsibility for working with the pupil, including when there is one-to-one support. The SENCO continues to consult with and advise the class teacher on the effective implementation of support.
Adaptations to the curriculum and learning environment
Classroom layout is adapted to individual needs of the children, including the seating arrangements of the children
Differentiated tasks
Additional teaching time to ensure understanding of learning/expectations of task
Tasks blocked into smaller units
Extra support during teaching time
Extra support given outside of lessons to support learning
Pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of children with SEN to improve social and emotional development; measures to prevent bullying
School system for children to respond to incidents, including written/pictorial reports
In consultations with parents/children key person identified as ‘go to’ person and times agreed to meet
School council
Circle times
Involving Specialists
If insufficient progress is made despite support, further advice will be sought through external specialists (e.g. Local Authority Specialist Advisory Service, Education Psychologists) through the SEND
Early Help Assessment (EHA) process. The class teacher and SENCO will keep parents and children fully informed about any proposed interventions and the outcomes of these. Interventions will only be delivered with the agreement of parents and carers and, where possible, the child.
Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
The school or parents / carers may request an Education, Health and Care needs assessment. The LA considers the need for statutory assessment and may order multi-disciplinary assessment leading to an EHCP. An EHCP aims to secure positive outcomes in education, health and social care. Children with an EHCP will continue to be monitored through the school’s tracking system, and will additionally be the subject of an Annual Review Meeting to which the parents, and the multi-agencies involved with the support for the child, and the child if appropriate, will be invited. A termly opportunity for these people to meet with school staff will be offered, alongside a mid-year formal review meeting to ensure a holistic approach to the child’s progress and support needs.
A report giving recommendations will be produced following the Annual Review Meeting.
Arrangements for consulting pupils with SEN and involving them in their education
Children identify areas they feel that they find difficult which feeds into individual plans
Children review their learning after lessons/units of work
Children identify next steps in their learning and suggested support needed
How are children with SEN enabled to engage in activities available with children in the school who do not have SEN
Group work can be supported by older pupils
Group work can be supported by additional adults
Extra support is given during explanations/teaching
Transition to/ from Other Schools
The school is guided by Chapter 8 of the Code of Practice 2014 for this process. Liaison with receiving / secondary schools is considered to be particularly important for children with special needs. At transfer to secondary school liaison between the Head of Y7 and the Learning Provision Department takes place to allow for continuity and a smooth transition for each child. Regarding the sharing of information between Broughton Moor and the receiving school, we are guided by Section 6.57 of the SEND Code of Practice (January 2015).
The Local Offer
Local Authorities have a statutory duty to develop and publish a Local Offer, setting out the support they expect to be available for local children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The purposes of the Local Offer are: to provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it; to directly involve children with SEND and their parents/carers in provision, its development and review.
Click here to access Cumbria County Council’s SEND Local Offer
Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions
The school recognises that pupils at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. Some children with medical conditions may be disabled and where this is the case the school will comply with its duties under the Equality Act 2010.
Some may also have special educational needs and may have an Education, Health and Care Plan, which brings together health and social care needs, as well as their special educational provision.
The SEND Code of Practice is followed.
The school’s policy for Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions can be viewed on the School Website.
Intimate Care
When it is agreed that a child requires intimate care, a Health Care Plan will reflect the need for the care. Intimate care will be given only with the consent of the parent, and wherever possible the consent of the child. Staff providing this care will be discreet in their actions, considering the dignity of the child at all times.
The school has a statutory responsibility to produce an accessibility plan, detailing how it ensures access for disabled pupils to the curriculum and to the physical environment. This plan ensures that disabled pupils are not treated less favourably than other pupils. It details arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils.
Role of the Headteacher
The Headteacher will ensure that this policy is implemented and managed across the curriculum, including the deployment of support/ resources.
Role of Governors
The Headteacher uses the provision map to inform the governing body of how the special educational needs funding is allocated to support children in the school. The SENCO and SEND governor will meet annually to discuss the implementation and success of the policy and any concerns about individual children or resources. The SEND Governor will report the outcome of the review to the full governing body. The Governing Body reviews SEND provision and policy annually and considers any amendments in light of the annual review findings. The governing body is responsible for publishing this SEND Information Report on the school’s website; it will be updated at least annually.
Who can parents contact for further information or if they have any concerns?
If parents wish to discuss their child’s special educational needs or are unhappy about any issues regarding the school’s response to meeting these needs please contact the following:
Their child’s Class Teacher.
The Headteacher / SENCo.
For complaints, please contact the School Governor with responsibility for SEN (for contact details, see above).
Storing and managing information
This will comply with the school’s policies on Information Management and Confidentiality.