
What is an Interim Executive Board (IEB) ?

Section 65 of the 2006 Act enables the Local Authority to apply to the Secretary of State for consent to constitute the governing body as an IEB in accordance with Schedule 6 to the 2006 Act. The secretary of state has now approved the appointment of the Interim Executive Board at Broughton Moor Primary School.

 The IEB is a relatively small group, with strong educational and governance expertise. The purpose of the Interim Executive Board (IEB) is to provide interim expertise and high quality governance to secure a sound basis for future improvement in the school, including the promotion of sound governance and high standards of educational achievement.

You will find below details of the IEB members and if at any time you wish to raise any issues with the board you can do so by contacting the Chair of the IEB through the school office.

Members of the Interim Executive Board

Garry White (Chair)

Garry was a primary school headteacher for over 20 years in Yorkshire, and Liverpool. He has also been the Chair of Governors of a school in Liverpool and the Vice Chair of the Rainbow Multi Academy Trust a trust of primary and high schools across the Merseyside region. For 5 years he led the National Professional Qualification for Headship across the North of England.  More recently he served as a school improvement lead in Greater Manchester and as one of His Majesty’s Inspectors with Ofsted. He still inspects schools as an OFSTED inspector.

Rose Downing

My original training was in Outdoor Education and Primary Teaching and I worked locally as a teacher before taking a break to have my children. They are now 10 and 13 and whilst they have been growing up I have been involved in many aspects of their school life including the PTA, class helper, trips, clubs and recently helping to develop a sensory garden for the grounds. I have been an elected parent governor for the past  6 years and am currently Chair of the governing board at a local school. My main areas of interest as a governor are the Curriculum, Data,  Safeguarding and SEND

Sam Kidd

My name is Samantha Kidd and I am currently Service Manager for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Inclusion for Cumberland Council. I have worked in Cumberland for the past thirty four years and in that time have worked for the Local Authority but for the majority of time have worked in schools. I have been a Headteacher of five schools – all in Cumberland. These included a Junior School, three primary schools and a special school. Two of the three primary schools were strategically resourced provision for the Local Authority. I was a National Leader of Education and have worked as a General Advisor for the Local Authority also. Outside of school, I am married and I have four children and five grandchildren, as well as two lively dogs. I love nothing more than spending time with family.

Angela Quirk

My name is Angela Quirk, and I am currently Senior Advisor for Cumberland Council with the Learning Improvement Service. More recently I was Executive Head teacher of two schools in Workington. I have worked in schools for over 20 years, and I love working with children, families, and staff.

Over the course of my career, I have also been part of two governing bodies and worked alongside numerous schools. My passion is to ensure every child enjoys school and receives a good quality of education allowing them to reach their full potential.

In my personal time I enjoy taking my 11-year-old to his football matches and training. I have a very energetic working cocker spaniel who loves to go walking on the fells. I am looking forward to working with Broughton Moor Primary school and meeting the children and families.

Natalie Ruane

Natalie Ruane is a solicitor, specialising in employment law.  Having been a Partner in private practice, in 2021, she left to set up her own business which provides HR and legal services to the education sector.  Natalie works with over 100 Cumbrian schools and academy trusts, supporting their employment practices, and leads a consultation forum with trade unions.  Her work includes employee relations and the delivery of training.  Natalie has previously been a Trustee on the Board of a multi academy trust as well as a governor of a primary school.


Letter to parents

New Governor Welcome Pack

Finance, Buildings and Grounds Terms of Reference

Pupil Progress and Curriculum terms of Reference


There are no members of staff in school earning more the £100,000

Financial Benchmarking

Chair of IEB contact details.pdf .pdf
IEB action plan - document for website.pdf .pdf
Broughton Moor IEB Minutes 29 Feb 2024.pdf .pdf
Broughton Moor IEB Agenda 26 03 2024.pdf .pdf
Broughton Moor IEB Agenda 2 05 2024.pdf .pdf
Broughton Moor IEB Agenda 6 6 2024.pdf .pdf
Broughton Moor IEB Minutes 26 03 2024.pdf .pdf
Broughton Moor IEB Minutes 2 5 2024.pdf .pdf