Our commitment to Safeguarding

Broughton Moor Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of its pupils, engages with young people and staff in Policy and practice developments, proactively encourages feedback and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

.Safeguarding at Broughton Moor Primary School is first and foremost at the centre of our school and our local community. We pay due diligence to ensuring all pupils are safe and secure within our school. We work with families to maintain strong positive links and develop every aspect of a child's life. 

Staff are very vigilant and have professional curiosity towards keeping children safe.  All staff refresh their level 1 training each September. There is then ongoing regular safeguarding reminders, staff meetings or internal training throughout the year. 

At Broughton Moor Primary School we offer your child a safe, happy, nurturing environment, where children's wellbeing and safety are at the forefront. 

Please take time to view our Child Protection Policy and our parent leaflet within this section of the website. 

Releasing pupils end of the school day -Keeping safe

Our Safeguarding Team

Broughton Moor Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr Dale Bromley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Rowlands-Tibbs

Safeguarding Governor Mrs Rose Rowlands 

Cumbria Safeguarding Hub 0333 240 1727

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 03003 033892 or lado@cumberland.gov.uk

Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership https://cumbriasafeguardingchildren.co.uk/


Site Security-Safeguarding Outdoors 

Broughton Moor Primary School has written risk assessments for safety on our school grounds. Our fencing, gates and EYFS gate area have control measures in place to keep children safe. These can be viewed by contacting school for a copy. Our Headteacher does a morning sweep of the grounds every day before children arrive to check for any rubbish or dangerous items that can be found after community use during evenings and weekends. We tape off any areas if they require additional measures for a temporary period of time.  All outdoor equipment has a visual check and logs are kept of these checks with any defects acted on immediately. 

We ask that parents awaiting to drop their children off in the morning and collect after school do not allow any child/toddler to play around the staff car park or in the bushes directly outside the hall entrance/exit for safety of everyone. Any cars that are damaged due to parents allowing children to play in out of bound areas may be charged for the damage. 

We expect all families/staff and visitors to ensure they close every gate behind them in line with our clear signage. 

During the day we ask visitors and parents to access the school site through the main entrance as the other entrances are locked.  

Family Action – FamilyLine. A service available for all Cumberland families 

Family Action are commissioned by Cumbria County Council to provide 0-19 Child and Family Support Services in four of Cumbria’s six districts – but there are services that are available to all families in Cumberland. 

One of those services is FamilyLine.  FamilyLine is a free support service available via telephone, text, email and web chat.   

Family Action recognises that family pressures can sometimes be difficult to manage without emotional support and guidance to help. Many people feel confused by what information is available or struggle to access services close to home. 

FamilyLine uses a network of volunteers from across the country to support family members over the age of 18 through telephone calls, email, web chat and text message. 

The service aims to: 

  • provide both immediate and long-term support 

  • help with practical information and guidance 

  • provide emotional and listening support 

  • help with understanding and accessing relevant services and information 

  • provide regular one-to-one befriending support to service users feeling isolated 

  • access to short term telephone counselling 

  • a referral into our many projects across England and Wales, where relevant. 

Family Line is for family members aged 18 years old and over from anywhere in England, Wales and the Isle of Man. 

Opening times: 

  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm 

Contact details: 

If a family need support outside of those hours, they can leave a message and they will receive a call back in operational hours. If it is a crisis, then there is a crisis line to a trained professional 24/7 that can be access by texting FAMILYACTION to 85258.  This service is delivered in partnership with Shout

Full information can be found at https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/familyline/ 


https://www.barnardos.org.uk/   is recommended for parents/carers to access for support from Barnados. 

Barnados offer mental health services across the UK to help children, young people, and families when they need them most.  Depending on your location, this may include:

  • cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • support for children and young people diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • support for young people who identify as LGBT+
  • one-to-one and group counselling
  • play and art therapy
  • support for young people who have experienced trauma and abuse and their families
  • school-based programmes that teach young people about mental and emotional well-being.  

Operation Encompass -Supporting children exposed to domestic abuse


Operation Encompass 

Broughton Moor Primary School participates in Operation Encompass. This means that any Domestic Abuse incidents that occur at home and are logged with the police, school will be informed of within 24 hours.  This information will be given to the school's safeguarding team only (DSL- Mr Paul Brotherhood or DDSL- Miss Sarah Simcox in DSL's absence).  The information allows school to keep their duty of care to the child in school at a level they may need after a domestic abuse encounter. For example: child may be tired, not eaten well, not dressed correctly in school uniform etc due to the home incident. 


Any individual who has, or is likely to have unsupervised access to children will require an Enhanced Disclosure For regulated Activity.

Further details on this are available on our 'Vacancies' section on our website or by contacting the school on 01900 812433 or by email to admin@bromoor.cumbria.sch.uk or can be found on the DBS website

Members of staff will have this check paid for by Broughton Moor Primary School.  A suitable check must have been carried out and the certificate seen before a member of staff can start working in school.

Students may have their DBS arranged by their education provider and if it is, this must be in place before they begin their placement in our school. A copy of the document must be seen in school before the start date and the education provider must sign a document to state that they will inform Broughton Moor Primary School of any ‘Additional Information’ that they receive regarding a student.  Broughton Moor Primary School has the right to withdraw the offer of a placement in the event of receiving applicable adverse information.

Volunteers may need a DBS check arranged for by Broughton Moor Primary School. There is no cost for the actual check as this is free for volunteers, but the company that we use to undertake this check charges an administration fee. The cost of this must be met by the volunteer. Volunteers cannot start volunteering until the check has been successfully completed and the certificate received.

Parent leaflet-Safeguarding of everyone- 2023 to 2024

Other relevant documentation for parents/carers can be found online through the Department Of Education website (DFE)

Every Local Authority has an independent local safeguarding children partnership. Cumbria has a dedicated Children's 'Cumbria Safeguarding Children's  Partnership' (Cumbria CSCP ) website. The Parents and carers can access this site to gain information regarding information of their arrangements, their vision and values alongside the numerous documents and information it holds to support families. https://cumbriasafeguardingchildren.co.uk/ 


Please check out our 'Parents' section on this website for 'Useful Links' to other relevant documentation.

Online Safety Policy and Filtering and Monitoring response


At Broughton Moor Primary School the Governing Body has overall strategic responsibility for filtering and monitoring. The

Senior Leadership Team have responsibility for:

* Procuring filtering and monitoring systems

* documenting decisions on what is blocked or allowed and why 

*Reviewing the effectiveness of provision 

* overseeing reports 

They also ensure staff know their roles eg that they understand their role, are appropriately trained, follow policies, processes and procedures and act on reports and concerns. 

Our IT provider has technical responsibility for:

* Maintaining filtering and monitoring systems

* Providing filtering and monitoring reports 

* Completing actions following concerns and checks to systems



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