School Information

Broughton Moor Primary School fosters an ethos where success is gained by valuing learning in an understanding and nurturing environment.

Our vision:

To have an outstanding reputation for providing a friendly education, which caters for the needs of a range of abilities in a balanced curriculum, making each pupil feel valued, included and secure and which enables everyone to be the very best version of themselves.

 Our values:

Broughton Moor Primary School is a small village school, and everything we do must reflect this unique environment. From delivering academic opportunities which excite and enthuse, to providing your child with a range of extracurricular opportunities and life skills, which will help ensure that they are a well-rounded individual.  We hope your child will look back on their early school days as the starting point for their passion for discovery and the beginning of lifelong learning. Our values are the thread which runs through our school community and underpins our shared beliefs and behaviours that make up the culture of Broughton Moor Primary School.

  1. Courage
  2. Honesty
  3. Kindness
  4. Tolerance
  5. Respect

We embed our values through the curriculum, assemblies, extra-curricular activities, visits, visitors, communication with parents.

Our values incorporate, but go beyond, the Fundamental British Values of Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

As a school we work hard to share our values and we strive to live by our School Principles, which form part of our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education curriculum (SMSC).

Celebrating Diversity         

 Broughton Moor Primary School endeavours to improve the lives of children, young people and families. We celebrate diversity and take steps to prevent and tackle all kinds of bullying, including homophobic bullying. In doing so, we believe that children will attain more at school and our community will be happier and more successful. 

We celebrate all our children and their families without discrimination.


Our ethos:

Here at Broughton Moor, our ethos is to ensure that everyone reaches their full potential, whether that is on the academic or sporting front, music, drama, or very importantly just being be proud of themselves, above all we want the children in our school to be happy!  We have designed a unique curriculum which we believe brings the best out of children.  This, coupled with a focus on robust pastoral care, makes us a school that nurtures everyone to be the best they can be in terms of achievement and character, enabling them to flourish in a changing world.  At Broughton Moor School we are fortunate to enjoy the support of our parents, the school/home partnership is crucial in ensuring your child’s academic success, happiness and well-being. 


Our aims:

To deliver a stimulating range of child-centred opportunities that will excite and enthuse young children and which will subsequently ignite a passion for discovery and the beginning of lifelong learning

To deliver a range of high quality teaching and learning styles which will allow us to monitor the progress of all pupils and set targets for the future development of the individual and year group cohorts

To strive to sustain and enhance the extra-curricular opportunities and endeavour to cater for a wide range of interests and abilities

To promote positive relationships, appropriate behaviour and good manners, thereby creating an environment of respect for others whatever their gender, background or ethnicity

To develop exceptional pastoral care and welfare support through mindfulness and wellbeing initiatives

To listen to and involve pupils on matters affecting them by giving the pupils opportunities to voice their opinions through the School Council, Circle Time, PSHE lessons and other forums

To welcome and develop home/school relationships, aiming to provide high quality information, good communication and an 'open-door policy'

To ensure that we care for staff well-being through offering a range of opportunities to enable  staff to teach effectively and to be happy and enthused in the workplace

To safeguard the health and safety of all who study and work within the school

To ensure all children develop themselves personally to be active members of Broughton Moor

School Information

Broughton Moor Primary School fosters an ethos where success is gained by valuing learning in an understanding and nurturing environment.

Our vision:

To have an outstanding reputation for providing a friendly education, which caters for the needs of a range of abilities in a balanced curriculum, making each pupil feel valued, included and secure and which enables everyone to be the very best version of themselves.

 Our values:

Broughton Moor Primary School is a small village school, and everything we do must reflect this unique environment. From delivering academic opportunities which excite and enthuse, to providing your child with a range of extracurricular opportunities and life skills, which will help ensure that they are a well-rounded individual.  We hope your child will look back on their early school days as the starting point for their passion for discovery and the beginning of lifelong learning. Our values are the thread which runs through our school community and underpins our shared beliefs and behaviours that make up the culture of Broughton Moor Primary School.

  1. Courage
  2. Honesty
  3. Kindness
  4. Tolerance
  5. Respect

We embed our values through the curriculum, assemblies, extra-curricular activities, visits, visitors, communication with parents.

Our values incorporate, but go beyond, the Fundamental British Values of Democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

As a school we work hard to share our values and we strive to live by our School Principles, which form part of our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education curriculum (SMSC).

Celebrating Diversity         

 Broughton Moor Primary School endeavours to improve the lives of children, young people and families. We celebrate diversity and take steps to prevent and tackle all kinds of bullying, including homophobic bullying. In doing so, we believe that children will attain more at school and our community will be happier and more successful. 

We celebrate all our children and their families without discrimination.


Our ethos:

Here at Broughton Moor, our ethos is to ensure that everyone reaches their full potential, whether that is on the academic or sporting front, music, drama, or very importantly just being be proud of themselves, above all we want the children in our school to be happy!  We have designed a unique curriculum which we believe brings the best out of children.  This, coupled with a focus on robust pastoral care, makes us a school that nurtures everyone to be the best they can be in terms of achievement and character, enabling them to flourish in a changing world.  At Broughton Moor School we are fortunate to enjoy the support of our parents, the school/home partnership is crucial in ensuring your child’s academic success, happiness and well-being. 


Our aims:

To deliver a stimulating range of child-centred opportunities that will excite and enthuse young children and which will subsequently ignite a passion for discovery and the beginning of lifelong learning

To deliver a range of high quality teaching and learning styles which will allow us to monitor the progress of all pupils and set targets for the future development of the individual and year group cohorts

To strive to sustain and enhance the extra-curricular opportunities and endeavour to cater for a wide range of interests and abilities

To promote positive relationships, appropriate behaviour and good manners, thereby creating an environment of respect for others whatever their gender, background or ethnicity

To develop exceptional pastoral care and welfare support through mindfulness and wellbeing initiatives

To listen to and involve pupils on matters affecting them by giving the pupils opportunities to voice their opinions through the School Council, Circle Time, PSHE lessons and other forums

To welcome and develop home/school relationships, aiming to provide high quality information, good communication and an 'open-door policy'

To ensure that we care for staff well-being through offering a range of opportunities to enable  staff to teach effectively and to be happy and enthused in the workplace

To safeguard the health and safety of all who study and work within the school

To ensure all children develop themselves personally to be active members of Broughton Moor