Remote education provision: information for Parents
Fun ideas for at home
Homework research
Something of interest? (Things to print out)
Skills for children (and adults)
140 indoor activities for home
BBC Schools Live Lessons
School radio (Audio resources)
Year 1 and 2 activities and lessons
Year 3 to 6 activities and lessons
Rube Goldberg Machines (an upcoming topic)
Top Marks teaching resources
Reading at home
Grammar games
Trouble with spelling?
Alphablocks (Activities and TV for phonics)
Phonicsplay activities (Support for our phonics scheme)
KS2 English activities (A Welsh teaching website)
e-Bug (Games and resources about bugs)
Primary Science (Teaching ideas and plans)
Planet maker (Space topic idea)
Infant games and activities
Junior games and activities
Maths at home
Times tables games
Problem solving games
Online Maths games
Some daily Maths problems
Being a Mathematician
Maths quizzes
Numberblocks (TV show for Early Years)
KS1 Maths activities (A Welsh teaching website)
KS2 Maths activities (A Welsh teaching website)
Maths games (videos to watch and follow)
Year 3/4 Maths lessons and strategies to watch
Year 5/6 Maths lessons and strategies to watch
Early Number sense
Games and resources
3 act tasks